New Boundary Wall and Carkpark Works at Guardian Angels Parish, Newtownpark Avenue, Dublin

New Boundary Wall and Carkpark Works at Guardian Angels Parish, Newtownpark Avenue, Dublin

    Modia Consulting were appointed as part of the construction team to carry out a measurement of the bill of quantites and pricing of the proposed works on the existing church ground in Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Dublin 4. Modia Consulting were responsible for keeping all parties abreast of cost changes and for agreeing sub contracts and schedules with subcontractors and the design team. Modia Consulting issued cash flows, cost reports, requests for information and were in attendance at site meetings.

    Project Details: The project consisted of the construction of a new boundary using bespoke granite piers and in-filled with metal railings.

    Project Team: Conway Design Consulting | Modia Consulting

    Approximate Value: €100,000


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