Enfield Pyrite Remediation

Enfield Pyrite Remediation

    Modia Consulting were appointed by the Housing Agency and Doherty Finnegan Kelly to provide full pre and post contract quantity surveying services for the pyrite remediation of twenty two houses in Enfield, Co. Meath. The service consists of early budget estimates, production of a full bill of quantities and tender documents, tender report, cost reporting, agreement of scope changes, interim payments and agreement of the final account.

    Project Details: The project consisted of the removal of all ground floor fixtures, fittings and finishes to enable the removal of the ground floor slab. Once the new slab was installed all original fixtures, fittings and finishes were reinstated and supplemented with new where applicable.

    Project Team: DFK | The Housing Agency | Dervan Engineering | Cumnor Construction | Modia Consulting

    Approximate Value: €1,100,000


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