Butterfield Park Private Dwelling

Butterfield Park Private Dwelling

    Modia Consulting were appointed to provide a fully priced and measured Bill of quantities for the refurbishment of a residential dwelling and insulation upgrade in Butterfield Park in Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. As part of the service Modia Consulting had to provide up to date construction programmes, cost changes and a cashflow forecast. There were a number of specialist packages included in the contract as PC Sums and these were tendered and controlled by Modia Consulting and the Clients.

    Project Details: The refurbishment of the dwelling consisted of a new two storey side extension with attic loft. The front facade was completely overhauled with the addition of a zinc canopy and new insulated render finish. The doors and windows were by Carlson and the Folding Door Company. The new stairs was bespoke and made in Monaghan.

    Project Team: Patrick Harrington Architects | DBFL | Modia Consulting | ARC Construction

    Approximate Value: €200,000


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