Restoration and Access Improvements at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin 14

Restoration and Access Improvements at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin 14

    Modia Consulting were appointed by the contractor to evaluate and price the proposed construction of a new staircore and passenger lift and lift shaft at Rathfarnham Castle. As part of the service Modia Consulting were responsible for appointing all sub contractors, issuing cash flows and reporting on cost changes. The service included for programme reviews and the submission of payment applications to the project design team. Modia Consulting also carried out a risk evaluation associated with the works as the project was in the middle of a historic national monument and a live working environment and the tender costs needed to reflect these unique circumstances. As the project was initially over budget Modia Consulting worked with the contractor and design team to undergo a full review of the project in order to make cost savings.

    Project Details: The project consisted of the removal of the existing concrete stairs and the installation of a new steel framed stairs and lift shaft. The project included for a new passenger lift and associated repairs to internal finishes. As part of the project new hard and soft landscaping was installed along with associated drainage and site services.

    Project Team: OPW | Modia Consulting

    Approximate Value: €1,350,000


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